
Do your ears hang low?

Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Do They Wobble to and Fro?
Can You Tie Them in a Knot?
Can You Tie Them in a Bow?
Can You Throw Them Over Your Shoulder Like a Continental Soldier?

Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Do Your Ears Hang High?
Do They Reach Up to the Sky?
Do The Droop When They're Wet?
Do They Stiffen When They're Dry?
Can You Semaphore Your Neighbor with a Mimimum of Labor?

Do Your Ears Hang High?
Do Your Ears Hang Wide?
Do They Flap From Side to Side?
Do They Wave in the Breeze?
From the Slightest Little Sneeze?
Can You Soar Above the Nation with a Feeling of Elation?

Do Your Ears Hang Wide?
Do Your Ears Fall Off?
When You Give a Great Big Cough?
Do They Lie There on the Ground?
Or Bounce Up at Every Sound?
Can You Stick Them in Your Pocket Just Like Little Davy Crockett?

Do Your Ears Fall Off?

The elepant song (versión de 1 elefante se balanceaba) y cómo es el juego

One elephant went out to play
upon a spider's web one day.
He had such enormous fun
that he called for another elephant to come.

Two elephants went out to play
upon a spider's web one day.
They had such enormous fun
that they called for another elephant to come.

y así se van añadiendo elefantes "three, four..."

La canción de los elefantes se juega con todos los participantes en corro cogidos de la mano cantando la canción.

Mientras se canta el primer verso (one elephant), uno de los jugadores está en el centro del círculo con un brazo como trompa y otro como cola.

Con el siguiente verso se le une otro niño, que se agarra con su trompa a la cola del otro y así hasta que todos son elefantes.

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